

DesignNeri featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Marching Ants

Marching Ants is here to change the common perception of an "urban bench" by proposing an artistic approach of fluid forms, a study on continuity through modular approach. Repetition of one element allows for more complex set-ups, combinations of two or four units, named after "Marching Ants" and "Relaxing Ants" accordingly. Another basic aspect of the design process was to keep the existing infrastructure of the city untouched. "Just Drop & Forget" process was introduced to ensure a fast, clean and trouble-free installation.

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Tulpi-design is a Dutch design studio with a flair for quirky, original and playful design for indoor and outdoor environments, with a major focus on public design. Marco Manders achieved international recognition with his Tulpi-seat. The eye-catching Tulpi-seat, will add color to any environment. It is an ideal combination of design, ergonomics and sustainability with a huge fun factor! The Tulpi-seat automatically folds when its occupant gets up, guaranteeing a clean and dry seat for the next user! With 360 degree rotation, the Tulpi-seat lets you choose your own view!

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Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is an urban bench that aims at the creative adaptation of urban landscapes to powerful educational and communication tools. Eye and mouth and their allegorical and literary connotations inform the shape of this design as well as its transformation to an urban library that uses braille imposed dots to promote an equal, educational and aesthetic urban typology. Reinforced concrete in colorful options, as well as Algorithmic design and Robotics technology enable the realization of Word of Mouth and its contribution to thematic colored libraries.

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Big bin

The Big.Bin is a container designed to help humanize the city. Its clean shapes approach it to the domestic sphere, seeking greater empathy with the user. Its gentle and rounded forms create an organic volume easy to integrate in any environment, making it perfect for city centres, parks or residential areas. Big.Bin’s container island will create an accessible and clearly identified space for waste collection in the city, encouraging selective collection among citizens.

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Tulpi InMotion

The eye-catching Tulpi-InMotion, developed by Dutch designer Marco Manders, will bring a new experience: "If sitting becomes floating". It is a perfect combination of design, ergonomics, sustainability and experience. The Tulpi-InMotion gives a smooth fluctuation, the user imagines himself in a carefree atmosphere.

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Careless Habit Artless Design

Design often changes the lifestyle to improve the function or the quality. Sometimes, the design could badly restrict or change those habit. To avoid that bad result of the design, a passive attitude to design was accepted for the case that a number of locals in the Beijing old downtown area still throw away cigarette butt in the drain. If the drain cover is ash tray would be more effective than establishing smoking area at the corner of the street. In that way, the locals do not have to change their habit, which , to some extent, improves smoking manner.

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